Junior Theme Post
Foreign Policy has always been a topic that I found quite interesting, especially when it comes to the rather “spectacular” track record of the United States. Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, it's really quite impressive how much damage one country can inflict on nations with not even close to half of its own population. But there was one event that caught my attention fairly quick: The Iraq war. A war dubbed by scholars as one of the worst foreign policy disasters in American history, a war filled with corruption and ignorance, a war that had a complete disregard for the facts, a war that I had to find out what went wrong. I think the most important part about my paper is that the people in charge of the operation, like Bush and Rumsfeld, were elected officials that the population wanted to be lead by, yet support for the war hit around 20% when people realized it wasn’t going smoothly. Bush’s own base didn’t support what he was doing in Iraq and that poses ...